[CENTER][SIZE="3"]AtiosOTS, Evolution Map, Client 8.6! START SOBOTA o godz. 16.00!!!
[COLOR="Red"]Mozna zakladac konta![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#Ogolne Zalety Atios.pl:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#Server stoi na profesjonalnym serverze dedykowanym co zapewnia gre 24/7 #Posiadamy bardzo dobre zabezpieczenia przed crashami #Bardzo szybkie lacze az 1 Gbps #Dopracowana Mapa Evolutions (ROBIONA OD CZYSTEGO EVO) #Bardzo dobry balans profesji #Oraz wiele innych urozmaicen takich jak: -Rl War system, -Lottery, -System sprzedazy postaci -I wiele innych![/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#Niezbedne Informacje o AtiosOTS:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#IP addres and acc maker: Satio.hopto.org #Port: 7171 #Protection Level: 1200 #Level To Buy House: 200 #Level To Create Guild: 8 #Remove Weapon Ammunition = false #Remove Weapon Charges = true #Remove Rune Charges = true[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#Dodatkowo:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#Tetris System #Swimming System #Snake System #Football System #AND OTHER [/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]#Exp Stages:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]Minlevel="1" maxlevel="3000" = "5000"xp Minlevel="2001" maxlevel="4000" = "2000"xp Minlevel="4001" maxlevel="5000" = "2000"xp Minlevel="5001" = "550"xp #Rate # Skill x750 # Magic x420 # Loot x3 [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#Frag system:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#RedSkullLength = 1day #DailyFragsToRedSkull = 2-[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#Commands:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#!bless < #!backpack #!rope #!shovel #!aol #!frags #!online #!uptime #!deathlist # !pvp #!q #!serverinfo #/commands #!soft #!tp #!rs #/online #/uptime #/deathlist #/pvp #/serverinfo [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#HOUSE:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#!buyhouse #!sellhouse #alana sio #aleta grav #aleta sio #aleta som #!leavehouse [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#GRATISY!:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#50lvl - 5cc #100lvl - 10cc #500lvl - 20cc #1000lvl - 40cc #3000lvl - 60cc #4500lvl - Runka dodajaca 100 premium points! #5000lvl - 100cc #10000lvl - 500cc[/SIZE]
W systemie Lottery co 3h jest mozliwosc wygrania: -Runka dodajace 30 premium points! I wiele innych!
[SIZE="2"]#NOWE PROFESJE:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#Master Inferno Sorcerer #Elder Warlock Druid #Royal Rogue Paladin #Elite Death Knight[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]#NOWE CZARY!:[/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]#Master Inferno Sorcerer - exevo kox, exevo san hur #Elder Warlock Druid - exevo kox, exevo san hur #Royal Rogue Paladin - exori mas con #Elite Death Knight - exori death[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]#Master Sorcerer - exevo san hur, exevo gran mas mort #Elder Druid - exevo san hur, exevo gran mas mort #Royal Paladin - exevo mas mega san #Elite Knight - exori mega[/SIZE]
Galeria 1 Galeria 2